

04/02/2025 - 25/02/2025 (Week 1 - Week 4) Thanaphorn Daensaad / 0350930 Major Project 1 / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Project 01 List Instructions Project 1 : Proposal Development Feedback Reflection Instruction Project 1 : Proposal Development In the first phase of this project, we were required to brainstore and develop a project proposal. The proposal includes a overview (title, problem statement, proposed idea, USP), project specifications (format, duration, genre, visual style), team roles and responsibilities, project delivery timeline. Then, we have to include logline, synopsis, story theme, characters and world descriptions in the slide.  Week 1 | 04/02/2025 - 05/02/2025 We first form a group of 4 and each think of a topic. Group Members: Adriena Tan Yan Zi Chan Wan Qing  Sun Chaoran Thanaphorn Daensaad We came up with the general theme of "Perception Vs Reality". ...


19/11/2024 - 10/01/2025 / Week 10 - Week 14 Thanaphorn Daensaad / 0350930 Film Studies & Cinematography / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Final Project: Storyboard and Animatic List 1. Lectures 2. Instruction 3. Final Project: Storyboard and Animatic 4. Feedback 5. Reflection Instruction Final Project  1. Objective : The objective of this project is to produce a 1-3 minute animatics storyboard based on your approved short animation.  2. Requirements: The animatic storyboard production must be based on the proposed story ideas developed for Project 1.  3. Deliverables: a. Prepare thumbnail drawing (10%) Sketch your story ideas on A4 paper. You are free to use any kind of format as long as the story can be understood in an orderly manner. Feel free to use text to add description. Present in the class for brainstorming purposes. Output all drawings as one pdf file. b. Prepare storyboard (10%) Format: A4 size with landscape orientation Contents: ...


20/11/2024 - 6/12/2024 / Week 9 - Week 11 Thanaphorn Daensaad / 0350930 Motion Graphic & Compositing / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Final Project: Abstract Motion  List 1. Lectures 2. Instruction 3. Final Project: Abstract Motion  4. Feedback 5. Reflection Lectures There were no lectures given, we focused on our assignment projects. Instruction Final Project: Abstract Motion    1. Students will synthesis the knowledge gained in task 1, 2 and 3 for application in task 4. Students are to create an theme based abstract motion graphic video that consist a good audio visual say it in 3D/2D, mix media or any experimental visual output that has strong theme. 2. Students describe and reflect on their competencies within the de...


23/09/2024 - 23/01/2025 (Week 1- Week 14) Animation Fundamentals / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Thanaphorn Daensaad / 0350930 Final Project: Action Animation   List Instructions Final Project: Action Animation  Feedback Reflection Instruction Final Project:  Action Animation  1. Use your character from your previous project 1, animate a 5 second physical action sequence. 2. You can use motion library as reference from this youtube channel: 3. Create a storyboard that visualises the key moments, actions and emotion of the scene. Incorporate variety of camera shots, angles and visual continuity to enhance the visual storytelling. 4. Create a project in Adobe Animate. Set the setting as 24fps, 16:9 aspect ratio with 1280 x 720 (HD720p) resolution. 5. Perform all the processes that you have learnt in the previous lesson to produce the final animation such as animate the animation from rough, tie...


23/09/2024 - 06/01/2025 / Week 1- Week 14 Thanaphorn Daensaad / 0350930 Minor Project / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Final Compilation & Reflection / WarisanXR List Instructions Minor Project Feedback Reflection Instruction Minor Project Proposal Presentation TrueXR Proposal G8 Minor Project by Ian Choo Xin Zhe Final Presentation WarisanXR Final Presentation by REEMA ARIF HAMZA MIRO Board Final Project Tracking Document Feedback Refer to Project Tracking Document for weekly feedback.  Reflection Week 1 D – Describe Objectively What Happened In the first week, Mr Mike introduced us to the class briefly before he told us to get in a group of 7 people of mixed specialisation. He showed us the past projects that the semester before us had done which was quite interesting. Mr Mike was trying to prove to us the point that it doesn't matter what background we have whether it being design, computing or etc as long as our first initiative was to solv...


20/11/2024 - 6/12/2024 / Week 9 - Week 11 Thanaphorn Daensaad / 0350930 Motion Graphic & Compositing / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Project 3: Channel Identity List 1. Lectures 2. Instruction 3. Project 3: Channel Identity 4. Feedback 5. Reflection Lectures There were no lectures given, we focused on our assignment projects. Instruction Project 3: Channel Identity Students will synthesise the knowledge gained in task 1 and 2 for application in task 3. Students are to continue with previously chosen channel in task 2 to create a channel ident motion graphic video. Students will start with thumbnail sketches and test a wide range of conceptual ideas through digitization using the appr...


09/11/2025 - 14/12/2024 / Week 7 - Week 12 Thanaphorn Daensaad / 0350930 Animation Fundamentals / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Project 2: Walk Cycle and Jumping List 1. Instructions 2. Project 2: Walk Cycle and Jumping 3. Feedback 4. Reflection Instruction Project 2A:  Walk Cycle Animation Study vanilla walk cycle that includes poses and timing from the book of Animator’s Survival Kit as a reference as these: Contact pose (hold for 3 frames or on’3’) Down pose (hold for 3 frames or on’3’) Pass pose (hold for 3 frames or on’3’) Up pose (hold for 3 frames or on’3’) Onion Skin of Walk Animation Rough Animation Tie-Down Animation Rough + Tie-Down Animation Project 2B:  Jump Animation Study jump animation that includes anticipation and follow through poses, timing with hold from the book of Animator’s Survival Kit as a reference as these: Normal pose Anticipation pose  Jump action pose (Push off, On air, Landing) Follow through pose Normal pose Oni...