5/6/2024 - 26/6/2024  (Week 7- Week 10)
Thanaphorn Daensaad / 0350930
3D Modelling / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1

Weekly Lecture
Project 1

Week 7 
This week we learned about look development and the basics of rendering. We were given a list of notes from the Miro Board Lecture link

Render Engine > Eevee / Cycles / Workbench
Cycle - Realistic > Slow
Eevee - Speed > Realistic
Materials: Roughness, Metallic, Specular 
Lightning: Sun, Artificial 
Rendering: Viewport Rendering, Solid Render

Week 9
We learned about UV unwrapping and texturing. lecture board link 

UV Editor
Model > Select Face > U > Project from View

Painting in Blender
UV Editor > Create New Image > Assign in Shader Editor > Texture Paint 

Project 1: Hard Surface Modeling
In this project, we have to choose a hard surface object in any of these categories: vehicle, weapon, robot and machine to model it. After choosing, we have to search for the object's reference or blueprint and model the selected object using polygon tools and techniques based on what we have learnt. Then, we should apply the right material and texture to give its appearance and set lighting and rendering using ‘Eevee’ / ‘Cycle’ as the rendering engine.

Use Eevee/Cycle rendering (Blender) for final output
Output size: 1280 x 720 
Format: .png 

References & Blueprint
My overall plan was to go for something under the category of robot. My initial idea was to go for a character named Pathfinder from the game ‘Apex Legends” since I feel like I had enough time to debunk the modeling part. However, when I observed further the details, it was too complicated for me as there was not much reference to his overall model. Therefore, it was hard to capture the character fully. Then, I changed to a different character, Wall-E from the Disney movie as I had a feeling that it was easy plus the fact that I found a blueprint on Pinterest that I could use as a guide.

Blender process
I started by aligning the blueprint together on the x and y axis while remaining the z axis constant. Then, I moved the picture reference about 4 blocks away from the world origin axis to determine the size of my model equally.

I first determined the shapes I needed to model my character. I was able to determine a few shapes I could use to make the complex shapes while using the bool tool. I first did some insets to determine the middle point of the extrusion for the neck then moved it according to the side view reference.

Then, I added on the eyes by using the circle shape then extruded while moving the wireframes for it to look exactly like the blueprint. I had to reattempt this part as the first few tries look weird and I was unsatisfied with the outcome of the shape.

I tried making the wireframes equal in terms of size while maintaining the shape of the eyes as the wireframes need to look good and would be easy for making it high poly.

The hardest part of all is making the wheels. I watched a tutorial on how to make duplication of an object with the array tool. With the tool, I was able to duplicate a few at once while maintaining the distance between each shape. Then, I moved it to make it align with the shape of the wheel. I couldn’t make it follow a line bezier so I opted to do it the long way which was to move it bit by bit then join it into a shape.

After making the overall model, I deleted half of one side then mirrored it to ensure the model is equal to make the model look better. Then, I colored the model and added lighting using the cycles mode. 

Final model look

Week 12 / Project 1
Specific feedbacks:
Add more loop cuts so the wireframe looks better overall when it's high poly.

For this project, the overall experience was fun being able to make whatever comes first in mind when it comes to the categories given. Initially, I thought that by using my memory to remember what the character looks like would make it easy to model. I was wrong as there's details on the robot that I didn't even pay attention to in the movie. This tells me that 3D modelling involves having a very keen eye to pay attention to details even if it is nothing but a slight difference. I looked for references online and thankful that there's people who debunked the character onto a blueprint which makes it so much easier for me to model as compare to debunking and drawing out the character myself as a guide. Making mistakes and learning from it is pretty much what I learnt from it as I mistakenly mess up with my save file somehow but was lucky to be able to recover from my previous session rather than starting from square one. I also learnt to arrange my wireframes through this project even making sure that each edge is straight. I'm still unsure on how to adjust the details on the model that would make the model look acceptable. In terms of lighting, I was having fun making it like a Lalaland lightning hehe. I still have areas to improve especially on the angle of the camera placed for the render and so much more.


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