19/11/2024 - 10/01/2025 / Week 10 - Week 14
Thanaphorn Daensaad / 0350930
Film Studies & Cinematography / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Project: Storyboard and Animatic

1. Lectures
2. Instruction
3. Final Project: Storyboard and Animatic
4. Feedback
5. Reflection


Final Project 

1. Objective: The objective of this project is to produce a 1-3 minute animatics storyboard based on your approved short animation. 

2. Requirements: The animatic storyboard production must be based on the proposed story ideas developed for Project 1. 

3. Deliverables:

a. Prepare thumbnail drawing (10%)
  • Sketch your story ideas on A4 paper.
  • You are free to use any kind of format as long as the story can be understood in an orderly manner.
  • Feel free to use text to add description.
  • Present in the class for brainstorming purposes.
  • Output all drawings as one pdf file.
b. Prepare storyboard (10%)
  • Format: A4 size with landscape orientation
  • Contents: 
  • Panel no
  • Pages no
  • Description
  • - action
  • - audio (monologue, dialogue, sound effects)
  • - effects (fire, explosion etc)
  • Duration
  • You can download from any storyboard template.
  • Use an arrow to guide the action and camera work.
  • Use black and white colour tone to show some depth in the composition
  • You can plan the drawing as a layer such as background, prop, character etc. to make it animatable for animatics. 
  • Output all pages as one pdf file.
c. Prepare animatic (10%)
  • Using any editing software such as Adobe Premiere, create a new project with 1280 x 720 size and 24fps framerate.
  • Import the image of each panel and arrange them according to the panel sequence.
  • Put the right estimated duration of each panel. Preview and edit back and forth to get the right pacing, continuity and screen direction.
  • Animate the character action and camera works, replacing the arrow direction in the storyboard. You may have different layers of the shot such as background, prop, character etc to make it animatable in the editing software.
  • Animate the transitions (fade in, fade out, dissolve etc.)
  • Put the audio elements such as music background that can enhance the emotion of the shot, voice over (dialogue / monologue) and sound effects.
  • Indicate of each panel number and timecode through text overlays
  • Output the video as mp4 format
4. Upload thumbnail, storyboard and animatics on MyTimes.

5. Update all the progress in e-portfolio.

6. Deadline for submission is by Week 14.

Thumbnail Drawing 
After finalizing all three acts of my story and completing my script, I decided to include only part of Act 3. Then I proceeded to create thumbnail drawings. These rough sketches helped me visualize the settings and experiment with different angles for each scene.

Thumbnail Drawing 1

Thumbnail Drawing 2

Using the thumbnails as a reference, I developed my storyboards to refine my vision. Each panel was crafted to include character placements, angles, background, etc. This process ensured a clear and seamless flow between scenes, effectively capturing the mood and storytelling dynamics I wanted to convey.

Storyboard Drawing 1

Storyboard Drawing 2

For the animatics, I started animating in Procreate, which I reference on the storyboard. This took me quite a while to do as first I had to sketch the remaining scenes and then do an outline for them. Once that was done, I added grayscale to some elements of the animatics.

Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro
Once the animation was complete, I compiled the scenes and imported them into Adobe Premiere Pro for editing. I then used it to incorporate sound effects and background music. 

Progress in Premiere Pro

Progress in Premiere Pro

Final Project: Storyboard and Animatics

Final Thumbnails 

Final Storyboard

Final Animatics

No feedback was given

It was fun doing this project however it was really stressful because I was learning to do animation on the iPad. Overall I am proud of the outcome that I created.


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